Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Rusty Pots and Kettles and Other Leaky Vessels

I was listening to your show today, as I am wont to do on occasion, when I heard your whiny, pusillanimous voice make mention of Patrick Leahy (D, VT). You referred to him as "Leaky Leahy," implying that he suffered from incontinence; you even went so far as to suggest that he wore Depends undergarments. Now, I don't know Leahy from Adam, and I have no real interest in defending his honor or anything like that. I do think it's more than a bit brash for someone with your condition, a leaky pilonidal cyst, to insinuate such a thing about anyone else. I think I'd like to kick you in that cyst, as I bet it would be very painful.

PS: Your golf game is weak. Let's fight.


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