Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My Screenplay-in-Progress: an Excerpt

RUSH: (sweating profusely, rolling on ground) Oh great merciful gods in the heavens above!!!! In the name of all that is decent and right, please stop hurting me!

ME: (brandishing needle-nosed pliers, distracted) Now, where did I put that propane torch?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Yet Another Taunt...In Limerick Form!

This idiot douchebag named Rush
Who has a big boil on his tush--
If it weren't for his fright,
We'd engage in a fight,
Yet he hides 'hind the sound-bytes of Bush.

...Also, what's his beef with the Toyota Prius lately? You'd a thunk it ran over his mother or something...