Thursday, June 15, 2006

More Comedic Tutelage for the Great Maja-Rushie

Rush, I have taken it on myself to guide you through the dim forest of insipidity and into the clear pasture of proper comedic stylings. Even though I want to call you out into a street fight, I still feel it my duty to inform you of any shortcomings I might observe when listening to your show--call it a public service, if you will...

Repetition. This is the cornerstone of any solid comedy routine. You know this, to be sure. But repetition must be tempered somewhat. Moderation is key. Two examples: If I hear you mention the phrases "Congressman William Jefferson, Democrat Louisiana" or "The Drive-by Media" once more, I swear my head is going to explode into a technicolor splatter of brains and bile. You think you're being clever, but I assure you, there is a threshold when it comes to repetition, and Tubby, you crossed it months ago. It's okay...not everyone can be a George Carlin or Richard Pryor; some of us have to be content just being Carrot Top.

So stupid... *sigh*


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